Living Water Apostolic Church
Salvation Army
NonprofitThe Salvation Army is committed to Doing Good in the community through meeting human needs while sharing the love of God with others. Emergency Assistance, Pathway of Hope (Service Connector), Youth Summer Camps, Youth Programs, Disaster Assistance, Church Community.
St. Martin Community Center
NonprofitThe Free Daily Breakfast and Lunch Program on Monday-Saturday is the true mission of St. Martin. Also, those who have limited food in their home can choose from the St. Martin Food Pantry once per month. The food pantry is open Monday and Wednesday at 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM.
Gas City Café (For those 60 years+ and their spouses)
NonprofitThe Cafe provides hot, nutritious meals throughout the week to area seniors and a chance to enjoy activities such as board games, cards, and movies. Meals are provided for those 60 years and older and spouse with a valid photo ID. Donations are accepted for meals, but not required. Each location offers full wheelchair access. Reservations must be made at least one business day in advance by calling the LifeStream offices at 800-589-1121.
Meals on Wheels
NonprofitLow cost, medically tailored meals delivered to your home. (Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.)
Grant County Rescue Mission
NonprofitOffering Life Changing Hope through the Restoring Power of Jesus Christ. Thanks to generous public support, all of our services (meals, shelter, addiction recovery, and transitional housing) for people who are poor or homeless are provided free of charge at the Mission’s main location (423 S. Gallatin St., Marion). A hot meal means so much to a man or woman who might have gone days without food. Often, it’s that first meal at the Mission that leads a hurting person to a new life in our recovery programs. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner—more than 65,000 meals a year—are served 365 days a year to anyone in need.
Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA)
GovernmentFamily & Social Services Administration compassionately serves Hoosiers of all ages and connects them with social services, health care, and their communities.